Tag: morals
Some Reflections – South Italian Jews and Childhood Reevaluation
1) The Jews – many of them from California – are doing their utmost to promote their ever-multiplying lies about race. On the other hand, the Jews are making real information on race difficult to find. One suspects that many of the “white nationalists”, especially, being secret Jews themselves, are trying to hide this information.…
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California – the New Nazi Germany
Today, I write of things which the Jews are trying their very best to hide from Humanity. Indeed, no mention of it by a Human (non-Jew) has, to my knowledge, ever been made until now. I believe this is due mainly to three things: 1) The masses are unthinking, and subsequently, the number of truly…
Looker for TruthChristianity, current events, history, humanity, ideas, intelligence, localities, media, morals, Nazism, philosophy, psychology, reflections -
Why the Eugenics Movement Failed
(This article was originally written in April 2019. The writing does not fully represent my current views of the affair under consideration below. Some parts are rather dogmatic, deficient, and not justified by further knowledge and unprejudiced research, in particular concerning the alleged Jewishness of some of the figures that are mentioned, a few of…
Looker for Truthanthropology, biology, books, education, history, media, morals, Nazism, philanthropy, politics, reflections, religion, review, science, social problems -
The Miserable State of the 21st Century World
(This article was originally written in July, 2019.) Unfortunately, the world of today is in some ways in quite a poor state. The humanity of the present day is not as morally righteous and intellectually sound as the people of past centuries. If one can read and comprehend (and I am aware how few people…
Looker for Truthbiology, books, genetics, history, humanity, intelligence, morals, politics, psychology, reflections, review, science, social problems -
Why Jews Are Behind the New Eugenics Movement
(This article was originally written in July, 2019. In the light of a sounder understanding of eugenics, some of the ideas and opinions below are of dubious worth at best, and in need of revision.) Why do Jews today own and control all of the abortion clinics, contraception companies, birth control research institutes, sperm and…
Looker for Truthbiology, current events, education, genetics, history, humanity, intelligence, medicine, morals, Nazism, politics, psychology, reflections, social problems, technology -
Jews Use IQ as a Trick
(This article was originally written in December 2019, since which my views on IQ and especially those who have conducted research on intelligence and psychometrics have somewhat changed, even if a good deal of what is stated below remains, in my opinion, rather sensible. My opinion still holds of the “IQ” concept and its associated…
Looker for Truthbooks, education, history, intelligence, journals, media, morals, Nazism, politics, psychology, social problems, white nationalism -
Jews Are Behind Tattooism
Just a few decades ago it was considered antisocial for a person to wear tattoos, in lands where the practice of tattoos is today commonplace. This was when the world was less thoroughly under the influence of Jewish degeneracy and corruption. The following words rightly should be associated with tattooism: immoral, promiscuous, criminal, antisocial, atheistic,…
Looker for Truth