As one among few truly Jew-aware people living in our Jew-dominated planet today, I have naturally noticed some differences in the degree of affection there is towards Jews among the various nations.
While it is expectedly true that the most powerful, wealthy, and influential countries are also among the most Jew-loving, this correlation may not always hold good in regard to the smaller and less influential countries.
The supposed “animosity” or “hatred” the Jews claim to encounter in certain nations is really nearly always due to so-called “religious” or “cultural” hatred, rather than that true Jew-aware hatred of Jews, which is due necessarily to their blood. If one looks closely, there are precious few people in our world today, in any country, who are aware of the Jewish Problem to the extent that it really manifests itself – that is, through the blood. Therein lies a great problem.
In making this list I will have to keep in mind the so-called religious or cultural “tolerance” towards Jews as it applies for each country. Of course, awareness of religious or cultural or “ethnic” differences alone never gets to the heart of the matter of the Jewish Problem. I may as well list every country on the planet if true racial awareness of the Jews were the foundation for this list. Actual Jew-aware people are a very small minority in any country. But we probably may be justified in saying that “cultural” or “religious” tolerance of the Jews is tied in some sense with the fundamental and much more momentous “blood” tolerance.
What seems to be always true, fundamentally, is this: The more degenerate a people is, the more Jew-loving that people is; the more Jew-loving a people is, the more degenerate that people is. (September 23, 2023: It seems to be a truth that any people who welcomes the Jew – and the world is welcoming towards him – will go down, will degenerate, and will eventually perish. Truly, we must thank the masses for their ineptitude, their utter indifference to the Jewish Problem, their Judeophilia which has made the Jew steer the ship more aggressively each day.)
The love towards Jews which I will measure in compiling this list will be based mainly on the current status of each nation and the masses inhabiting it. I hope to add details and explanations for each country as I find more precise evidence to support my suspicions.
Without further ado, here is a list of countries that I have found, from my knowledge and experience, to be some of the most welcoming and loving towards the depraved Jews.
(Please know that this list does not descend from the most Jew-loving countries to the less Judeophilic; I simply ordered them based on geographic location.)
Most Jew-Loving (Degenerate) Countries in the World

United States
Puerto Rico
Argentina |
Wales |
Faroe Islands
”For centuries, Denmark’s Jewish community lived in tranquility, without discrimination or sense of alienation, and protected like every citizen under law. In their memoirs, Denmark’s Jews related that to be Jewish meant no more than a religious affiliation, the same as being a Catholic or Protestant. […] Denmark’s Jews continued to lead their lives undisturbed, and were convinced that nothing bad would happen to them.”
“It is said that the Danish nation in 1943 made a substantial contribution toward the preservation of humanity’s self respect. […] Like other countries in contemporary Europe, we too are struggling to absorb immigrants, and not always successfully. Today, we bow our heads to honor the suffering of the victims of this brutal chapter in European history. We must not only promise never to forget the Holocaust, but also to continue to fight anti-Semitism, racism, discrimination and extremism. This is a struggle requiring courage and dedication. People in Denmark showed this once. If they are called to the challenge, I am sure they will do so again.”
Czech Republic
Georgia |
Armenia |
The President of the Jewish Community in Armenia, Rima Varzhapetyan-Feller, has stated on January 23, 2015, that “The Jewish community feels itself protected in Armenia, and the authorities respect their rights, culture, and traditions. There is no anti-Semitism in Armenia, and we enjoy good relations with the Armenians. Of course, the community has certain problems that originate from the general situation of the country.”
South Korea
New Zealand
South Africa
Kenya |
Ghana |
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